Mentorship with Jill & Neil

Upcoming Mentorship session:

August 17, 2024
9 am – 12 pm PDT

Please see below for more information…

Information about the Mentorship with Jill and Neil sessions…

We are excited about our collaboration with Dr. Jill Crista, author of the bestselling book, Break the Mold, and the newly released, A Light in the Dark for PANDAS & PANS. This mentorship group formed after a workshop given in April 2021 on Mold Toxicity with Drs. Crista and Nathan. After attending the “live” workshop attendees were invited to an ongoing Mentorship with Jill and Neil that meets every two months on a Saturday from 9 am – 12 pm PDT. Participants are invited to present patient cases to be reviewed and discussed from both the MD and ND perspective. All with prescriptive authority are invited to join the discussion. The cost is $100 per session. We hold the sessions via Zoom and send recordings afterwards to all who registered. If you are unable to attend the “live” discussion, you can purchase the video recordings and view at your convenience.

A few words from Dr. Nathan…

We also have an active listserv dedicated to this group. Members can discuss patients’ health concerns and gain valuable suggestions and insights from the experience that colleagues bring to this forum. We are so pleased with the camaraderie and knowledge base offered in this group.

To ensure that everyone “comes to the table” with the same knowledge base, we do ask that you purchase and review the videos of one of the previous workshops: Comprehensive Mold Toxicity Workshop, April 2021, Advanced Chronic Inflammatory Illness, April 2022, or All Day Workshop, March 2023.  If you have taken Dr. Crista’s course, this will also meet the criteria.

For more information, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.

Testimonials from members of the Mentorship

Dr. Nathan is the world’s foremost authority on treating complex chronic illness.
I will forever be grateful for his guidance in teaching me to help even the
most complex and chronically ill patients. Mentorship with Dr. Nathan
has transformed how I approach medicine and has allowed me to heal
patients that I previously thought were incurable. His lessons and wisdom
come to my mind every single day I work with patients.

Dr. Joe Mather, MD, MPH&TM
Medical Director Ruscio Institute for Functional Medicine

Dr. Nathan has impacted the lives of my patients, my career, and my own health
journey. He is a gifted teacher who communicates with great clarity. He provides
detailed, yet practical approaches to evaluate and treat the most complex of patients.
Dr. Nathan exemplifies compassion and honoring the patient’s autonomy.
He also models and encourages self-care to those he mentors.

Courtney Snyder, MD
Child & Adult Holistic Psychiatry/Functional & Environmental Psychiatry

I am so fortunate to have Dr. Nathan’s mentoring webinars and counsel to help give me the extra pair
of “eyes and ears” I need to see more clearly how to help my patients. I find Dr. Nathan has a
tremendous amount of real world experience that every physician who practices in the field
of functional medicine can benefit from.

Dean Mitchell, MD
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

I am a Naturopathic Doctor working almost exclusively with patients who have chronic complex
illness. I highly encourage anyone looking to broaden their medical expertise and themselves as a
healer to take the opportunity to study with Dr. Nathan. Reviewing cases and discussing approaches in a more intimate group has been incredibly beneficial, helping me help patients when I had reached the
limit of my knowledge and experience. His patience, humility and kindness are inspirational –
he has demonstrated and taught me how to be a better doctor.

Anne Van Courvering, ND, LMT

I have been in the mentorship for several years. I especially appreciate the focus on the sensitive
patient with specific guidance for this growing subset of patients. The listserv allows great input and
conversations from everyone in the mentorship, with input by both Dr. Nathan and Dr. Crista as well.
This group is my “go to” for questions and advice on tough patients.

Clemma Nash, MD

Functional Medicine, Board Certified in Family & Integrative Medicine

I am a holistic adult and child psychiatrist practicing in the Boston area. Over time it has become
clear that many of the patients who consult with me who have not been helped by conventional
psychiatry are actually suffering from mast cell activation and illness caused by mycotoxins. I have learned to recognize and treat these conditions through the skilled mentorship of Dr. Neil Nathan.
He has a wealth of experience and has been unfailingly responsive to work with him,
which as allowed me to be more effective in my practice with complex patients

Judy Tsafrir, MD

Challenging cases which don’t flow smoothly may raise multiple intellectual and emotional issues for
the physician causing self-doubt and clinical decision-making anxiety: Have I got it wrong and am I
missing something here? The mentoring process helped me towards a more considered perspective
on the treatment of complex illness, which always was positive and encouraging to stretch my skills,
but without ever feeling patronized. I am a much better doctor from what I have learned, with a
diagnostic road-map which really improves the doctor-patient mutual trust and partnership.

Dr. Patrick Magovern
Drummartin Clinic

Neil Nathan’s mentorship program has been on of the most outstanding and impactful
trainings in my entire professional career. In two years, I went from having little
understanding of how to diagnose and treat complex and severe mold-impacted patients,
to gaining a proficiency that has allowed me to dramatically improve the
lives of my pediatric patients. Neil Nathan is the most generous and wise
teacher any persona can ask for.

Pejman Katiraei, DO
Wholistic Kids and Families, Wholistic Minds

Mentoring with Dr. Neil Nathan was a game changer for my practice. His methodical, practical
approach to managing complex, chronic conditions is highly effective for a population of people who
are often failed by both traditional and functional healthcare. He is also one of the rare practitioners
who is able to combine rigorous scientific understanding with deep empathy and intuition,
all of which are needed in working with people with extreme sensitivities.

Beth O’Hara, FN
Functional Naturopath/Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Specialist

When I hit a plateau in helping my dementia patients afflicted with mycotoxin illness, it
was extremely helpful to become part of Dr. Nathan’s mentorship group. His support
over the past 4 years has been priceless, helping me to establish a framework, and
troubleshoot cases, which has been instrumental in getting patients better.
Dr. Nathan is heart centered and addresses all his mentees without judgement,
meeting them wherever they are at in their practices.

Rajka Milanovic Galbraith, MD, ABFM, IFMCP, ABIHM

Program schedule below…


Cost: $200

A video recording of this Workshop is available.
Please contact us at:

The Evaluation and Treatment of Environmental & Heavy Metal Toxicity: Lyn Patrick, ND
PANS, PANDAS and Autoimmunity: Jill Crista, ND
The Cell Danger Response: Neil Nathan, MD

We are pleased to announce our upcoming workshop geared to our Mentorship Program and to all other interested licensed health care professionals. For those who are already part of the mentorship program, this is a continuation of our educational program. For those who are new to the program or wish to participate in this course, you are welcome to join us for this and for future events. Since Jill and I are delighted to be joined by Lyn Patrick for this event, we would ask that you submit a case for us that would include environmental or heavy metal toxicity as a component of the patients illness so we can include that in our case discussions that day.

The cost of this workshop is $200 and we will bill you about a month prior to the date of our workshop. This program will be videotaped, and the video will be available to all participants at no extra cost. For those who wish this information but cannot attend the live event, the videotapes will be available after the workshop for the same price.

If you are interested in being with us, or have questions, please let us know by emailing You can use the same email address if you have interest in joining the mentorship program, which is ongoing, with 3-hour sessions approximately every 3 months. If you wish to become a part of the mentorship group, we encourage you to study the 2-day workshop video that we did last April so you can be up to speed on all aspects of our discussions. That, too, is available at

Neil Nathan, MD

Neil Nathan, MD has been practicing medicine for almost 50 years. He has been Board Certified in Family Practice and Pain Management and is a Founding Diplomate for the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and the International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness.

He is the author of the best-selling Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Environmental Illnesses and several other books. His new book, Energetic Diagnostics, is now available. He is a recognized lecturer for medical meetings both national and international and coordinates a mentorship program for medical practitioners.  

Jill Crista, ND

Jill Crista, ND had the absolute honor to serve as the creator, director, and practicing member of two integrative medical clinics in southern Wisconsin. Here she experienced the synergy of a team approach to patient care, practicing with colleagues from naturopathic medicine, integrative holistic medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage therapy. Ultimately, her patients were her best teachers. She completed the Physician Training Program in 2012 with the International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society (ILADS). 

Her passion for herbal medicine inspired her to join Dr. Jillian Stansbury on a recent ethnobotany trip to the Peruvian Amazon – a truly life-altering experience. Dr. Jill is the best-selling author of Break The Mold, and hosts a mold-literacy training course for doctors.

Lyn Patrick ND

Lyn Patrick ND graduated from Bastyr University in 1984 with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and has been in private practice as a state licensed naturopathic physician in Arizona and Colorado for 35 years.

She is a published author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed medical journals, a past Contributing Editor for Alternative Medicine Review, and recently authored a chapter in the newly released textbook Clinical Environmental Medicine (Elsevier 2019). She speaks internationally on environmental medicine, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, endocrine disruption, metal toxicology and other topics. She is currently Faculty for the Metabolic Medicine Institute Fellowship in collaboration with George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

She is also a founding partner and presenter at the Environmental Health Symposium, an annual international environmental medicine conference based in the United States. After the passing of her longtime colleague Dr. Walter Crinnion she has taken on the job of continuing to educate primary care providers in the area of environmental medicine training through the SpiritMed Certification Course and CrinnionOpinion podcasts.

In her spare time she enjoys biking, hiking and kayaking the mountains, lakes, and rivers of southwestern Colorado.

A Comprehensive and Practical Review of Mold Toxicity
April 2021

A video recording of this Workshop is available.
Please contact us at:


Surgical and Medical Management of Mycotoxin Neurotoxicity and Neuropsychological Symptoms via Endoscopic Sinusotomies and Cyclone Antifungal Irrigation
Presented by Donald Dennis, MD

An In-Depth Look at Candidiasis
Presented by Kurt Woeller, DO

A Deep Dive into Ochratoxin, Gliotoxin & Zearalenone
Presented by Jill Crista, ND

Recent Advances in Genomics with Focus on RANTES
Presented by Bob Miller, CTN

The Unusually Sensitive Patient: Evaluation and Treatment
Presented by Neil Nathan, MD