Book Reviews & Blogs

Book Review…
Soul-Centered Healing
A Psychologist’s Extraordinary Journey into the
Realms of Sub-Personalities, Spirits, and Past Lives
By Thomas Zinser, Ed.D.
published by Union Street Press
As my medical practice evolved, my colleagues began to refer more and more patients to me that were complex and increasingly ill. Many were unusually sensitive and/or toxic. Over time, I learned how to help most of those patients by using a combination of medical detection skills and intuition. Most of them turned out to have mold toxicity and/or Lyme disease, or some other environmental exposure. Once we had identified the root source of illness, I could help the majority of those patients to recover. There always remained a few patients that tested positive for these sources of illness, but did not respond the same way. Either they did not improve with treatment, or got worse, despite all of my efforts to find a way
to enable them to take, and benefit, from my treatments. I have always thought of those patients as being “stuck” in some form. My assumption has been that there was some area of “blockage” or impediment to healing in their emotional arena, or in the flow of energy through their body, or in their spiritual world.
When patients were open to exploring these with me, (or another healer), many of them were able to make excellent progress once the area of dysfunction was correctly identified and treated. Some patients were not open to this avenue, and others tried it but still were unable to make progress.
In his psychotherapy practice, Thomas Zinser ran into the same experience with his patients. Finding himself unable to progress with some patients, he had the fortuitous experience of making contact with a spiritual entity called Gerard, with whom he began communicating through another medium. Gerard was able to help Thomas to understand that many of the patients that he was unable to make progress with, did indeed have energetic blocks. Over several years, he learned to be able to make contact with different spiritual entities and how to remove those entities from the patient, allowing them to move forward into healing. Initially, Thomas began to work with rather benign entities, simply energies that had found their way into the patient’s body, and were “lost.” For those, he was able to communicate directly with those entities and remind them that their true destiny was to find the “Light” and re-enter it.
This worked for many of his clients. But, over time, Thomas discovered that there were darker energies sometimes at work here. Some were only mildly malevolent, and that by communicating with them, using increasingly sophisticated methods, he could convince them to leave the bodies of his clients, again resulting in movement toward healing. Later still, he realized that some of these energies were more demonic in nature, and he learned how to work with those, as well. He has distilled his learning experience into two other volumes that describe, for therapists, in more detail exactly how to do this.
This book is a fascinating and courageous discussion of what Thomas Zinser learned over many years. What he learns resonates with my own experiences, but his were deeper and clearer than my own. The longer I work with patients who are having difficulty healing, despite doing everything I have offered, the more convinced I am that this whole area of blockage in spiritual energy is a major impediment to healing for most of them.
I would encourage all of you who are either patients or physicians to read this truly excellent book to get a better understanding of these spiritual forces, and perhaps a vehicle to work with it. It is my hope that more therapists who have had these experiences will write about them so that we can bring this discussion into the mainstream of medical practice.
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What I can do is to review your current medical experiences, symptoms, laboratory results and treatments and suggest areas that may not have been adequately explored or investigated completely, but know that a specific diagnosis or treatment cannot be provided. Always seek the advice of your physician before making any treatment decisions.
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