Newsletter #3: The Amazing Potential of FSM
The Amazing Potential of FSM
(Frequency Specific Microcurrent)
I was honored to present several hours of lecture at the most recent FSM Advanced Course and Symposium, held in Henderson, Nevada fromMarch 30th-April 1st and I would like to share with you some of what I learned there.
For those of you who are not familiar with FSM, it is a unique technology that puts tiny amounts of electric current (microamperes, actually, which are barely perceptible for the vast majority of us) into the body from two different channels. The first channel involves physiological processes within the body, such as inflammation, scarring, tearing, calcification, toxicity, emotional trauma and many others. The second channel pairs these physiological process with very specific body parts: liver, intestines, brain (specifying which areas of the brain), spinal cord,muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. What this allows us to do, is to pinpoint precise treatments that remove the pathological processes from the specific tissues that are affected by those processes.
While there are hundreds of other electrical devices on the market which can provide healing electrical current, what makes this unique is the precision we can bring to this process, and the wide spectrum of tissues, injuries and imbalances that can be treated.
Rediscovered by Dr. Carolyn McMakin in the early 1990s, Carolyn has worked tirelessly to bring this knowledge into the hands of thousands of practitioners and continues to champion its development. In addition to its ability to heal, the information gleaned from the body’s response to specific treatment combinations also has profound diagnostic implications.
One of the most impressive discoveries by Dr. McMakin is the use of FSM in treating cervical trauma fibromyalgia. For those of you not aware of that condition, it is a subset of fibromyalgia patients whose illness occurred after an injury to the spine, usually of the whiplash variety. Following that injury, some patients are left with a residual inflammation of the spinal cord which persists (not unlike the persistent inflammation of Lyme disease or mold toxicity) for years if left untreated. The use of two simple frequencies, 40, in the first channel (which is to reduce inflammation) and 10, in second channel (which is specific for the spinal cord) has been demonstrated to dramatically reduce this inflammation within a matter of hours. When applied over a series of treatments, it has been shown to cure this form of fibromyalgia. In practice, this is nothing short of astounding. I have personally seen dozens of my patients with this type of fibromyalgia respond within an hour or two with 50-80% relief of their long-standing pain.
With such a wide variety of physiological effects and tissues that can be treated, the potential of FSM is almost unlimited. Dr. McMakin and the many health care practitioners trained by her, are constantly searching for new uses of this technology. This meeting, which was the 20th annual Advanced seminar, held many new insights and treatments and I would like to bring some of them to your attention.
First, Dr. McMakin began by sharing some of these new discoveries: FSM has been shown for many years that when used early on the course of treating shingles, profound improvement has been noted with the frequencies referred to as 230/430. Several published case reports document this effectiveness in completely stopping the spread of shingles and reversing it within hours. However, we have noted in recent years that this frequency has not been nearly as effective as it used to be, requiring prolonged treatments to get similar results. We have speculated that the virus may have mutated to another form which is no longer as responsive. Dr. McMakin presented new frequencies which restore this treatment to its prior effectiveness.
Another recent discovery is that when other treatments are not working to relieve long-standing pain caused by injuries, sometimes the cause of this persistent pain is inflammation of the circuits in the cerebellum which provide what we call “descending inhibition” circuits. By turning this off, using frequencies unique to FSM, we can essentially “reboot” this circuitry and allow the pain signals (which are no longer helpful to the body) to be turned off, allowing healing to occur. This understanding will allow us to help thousands of patients who are not recovering from their injuries as expected and have developed chronic pain syndromes.
Of particular interest to me is this concept of “rebooting.” We have recently realized that one of the underpinnings of chronic disease is the persistence of inflammation. The body has lost its ability to turn off this inflammatory signal and inflammation proceeds, unchecked. In my last newsletter, we talked about the Cell Danger Response as a model that helps us to understand this prolonged inflammatory process. FSM is uniquely capable of reversing this process because it can treat so many different conditions.
Diana Cross, an Australian physician, delivered a brilliant discussion of how FSM may be able to facilitate this rebooting process. She reminded us that the speed with which FSM works in reversing cervical trauma fibromyalgia must be accounted for in this understanding. I mentioned previously that within two hours we not only see marked clinical improvement, but that we can measure profound drops in inflammatory markers (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha) and profound increases in cortisol and endorphins. To explain these phenomena would require some kind of switch that could be affected by the frequencies of FSM. Diana then provided an intriguing model which involved the understanding of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) which are a large (over 1000 known) family of membrane proteins which are designed to respond to different stimuli. To a certain degree, these GPCRs are controlled by a process called allosteric inhibition and this, in turn can be dysregulated by prolonged inflammation.
Diana suggests that FSM may work by using its resonant frequencies which act on the allosteric ligands (parts of the molecule) to activate what is essentially and “on” and “off” switch to rapidly “reboot” a system that is dysfunctional. The potential uses for FSM within this context are almost limitless.
Simon Yu, a physician from St. Louis, Missouri, gave a wonderful lecture on the possibility that infections of parasites are significantly under-diagnosed in this country. He reminded us of the well-known fact that our current ability to diagnose parasitic infections is woefully inadequate, and presented a long series of cases in which empirical treatment with anti-parasitic medications resulted in rapid improvements in patients who were otherwise not responding to the usual treatments for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease. He encouraged us to keep this in mind in patients who are not improving under our care, and I think this is excellent advice.
Dr. David Burke, a pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic, gave an exciting talk about his use of FSM in the treatment of ADD and ADHD. In children with these disorders who had not responded to the usual medications prescribed, David gave us the frequencies he has used to document rapid and profound improvement in these patients, and I will encourage all interested practitioners to follow his expanding research in this area.
These are but a few of the presentations that grabbed my interest at this meeting, and you may want to contact to obtain a complete audio of these presentations. Dr. McMakin’s new book, The Resonance Effect: How Frequency Specific Microcurrent is Changing Medicine has just been published and is a wonderful description of how this technology evolved.
For those intrigued by the potential of this remarkable technology, you may want to consider treatment for yourself or your patients, and you can find a list of well-trained practitioners on that website. I look forward to learning even more about the uses of FSM at future meetings.